
Complete Clinical Skills Training Manikin

Model TYE9037
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This male full-body manikin is designed for various clinical skills training and assessment. Most clinical skills can be trained on this manikin, including advanced airway management, NG/OG tubes placement, Sengstaken-Blakemore tube placement, venipuncture, arterial blood collection, intramuscular injection, tibial puncture and perfusion, pneumothorax puncture, hydrothorax puncture, abdominal paracentesis, NIBP, male catheterization, fracture reposition and splinting immobilization and CPR.

Skills Gained

·Anatomical familiarity

·Advanced airway management

·NG/OG tubes placement

·Sengstaken-Blakemore tube placement


·Arterial blood collection

·Intramuscular injection

·Tibial puncture and perfusion

·Pneumothorax puncture

·Hydrothorax puncture

·Abdominal paracentesis 


·Male catheterization

·Fracture reposition and splinting immobilization



·Anatomy: Correct anatomical structures and realistic bone landmarks.

·Durability: Full-body bionic bone structure with steel connections for enhanced durability.


1. Life-size figure with realistic skin that creates tactile impression.

2. Multiple body positions, such as supine position (dorsal recumbent), sitting position, Fowler’s position, Lithotomy position, lateral position, etc. are available with the help of movable neck, bilateral shoulder joints, hip joints, knee joints, etc.


1. Advanced airway management

Complete and realistic anatomy with nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, palatoglossal arch, palatopharyngeal arch, tonsils, posterior pharyngeal wall, epiglottis, glottis, cricoid cartilage, thyroid cartilage, trachea, left and right bronchi, lungs, esophagus.

The head can be tilted back to perform OETT (oral endotracheal intubation) and BVM (bag-valve-mask) ventilation. Palpable cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage allow to perform thyrocricocentesis and tracheotomy.

The neck skin and laryngeal consumables are replaceable.

2. NG/OG tubes placement

NG (Nasogastric)/ OG (Orogastric) tubes placement can be performed for training of nasal feeding and gastric lavage.

Gastric lavage fluid can be filled and drained.

Easy to clean after use.

3. Sengstaken-Blakemore tube placement

The SB tube is used as an emergency technique to control bleeding from swollen esophageal veins.

The real Sengstaken-Blakemore tube can be inserted through the nose or mouth, and inflate the balloon with air to reach the desired pressure.

4. Venipuncture

It can be used to perform puncture and infusion training of the dorsal venous network of hand and elbow vein.

It produces a realistic backflow of blood in the syringe after correctly placed the tourniquet and punctured. If the tourniquet is not ligated or ligated in an incorrect position, backflow of blood cannot be seen.

After the successful puncture, loosen the tourniquet and continuous intravenous infusion can be simulated. If the tourniquet is not released, the infusion cannot be performed.

The arm can be continuously infused with fluids or intermittently infused with fluids by multiple operators for at least 200ml.

During the whole operation, no external blood bag, water bag or other auxiliaries are necessary, easy to be carried.

Blood vessels are durable and can be punctured repeatedly. At least 50 times can be punctured per square centimeter of the blood vessel.

The hand and elbow modules can be easily removed and replaced after use

5. Arterial blood collection

It can automatically generate radial artery pulsation that can be palpated at the wrist.

Different pulsation grade can produce different arterial blood pressure, and users can experience different pulse during puncture.

Puncture at the pulsating position, a “pop” can be felt when entering the blood vessel.

It supports the collection of arterial blood samples in the radial artery.

Replaceable puncture module, easy to replace.

6. Intramuscular injection

It can be used for deltoid injection.

Real liquid can be injected.

Durable and replaceable injection pad, showing no obvious trace after injection. 

7. Tibial puncture and perfusion

The puncture can be performed from around 1 cm below the plane of tibial tubercle (TT) to the anterior medial surface at the junction of the upper and middle 1/3 of the tibia.

A “pop” can be felt when the puncture needle penetrates.

Continuous infusion of no less than 200ml.

Durable and replaceable tibial puncture module, easy to easy to be disassembled and installed.

8. Pneumothorax puncture

Palpable and accurate landmarks include ribs, intercostal spaces, sternal angle, etc. easy for users to locate puncture sites.

Pneumothorax puncture can be performed at the 2nd intercostal space.

A “pop” can be felt when the puncture needle penetrates the pleural membrane and a “hiss” of air release.

Durable puncture module can withstand at least 400 consecutive punctures.

9. Hydrothorax puncture

      ﹒Hydrothorax puncture can be performed at the 5th and 6th intercostals space.

A “pop” can be felt when the puncture needle penetrates the pleural membrane.

Simulated pleural effusion can be drawn.

Durable and replaceable puncture sac.

10. Abdominal paracentesis 

Accurate anatomical landmarks including the costal arch, symphysis pubica, anterior superior iliac spine, umbilicus etc.  

﹒Subcutaneous injection of local anesthetic can be trained and visible swollen wheel after correct operation.

Shifting dullness percussion training.

Puncture can be performed under real ultrasound guidance, with visible ultrasound images of intestinal canal and effusion.

Simulated peritoneal effusion can be drawn, with a volume no less than 1.5L.

11. NIBP

Non-invasive blood pressure measurement can be performed with a real sphygmomanometer and stethoscope.  

The pressure value is displayed dynamically in millimeters of mercury, and the blood pressure settings can be accurate to 1mmHg.  

Systolic and diastolic pressures can be continuously adjusted between 0-300mmHg and can be set separately.

The values of systolic & diastolic pressure, pulse frequency can be adjusted at will.

Volume level can be adjusted according to specific circumstances with Korotkoff sounds.

Systolic pressure & diastolic pressure, volume and heart rate are displayed simultaneously on the LCD screen.

Simulating dynamic display of mercury cylinder and indicating the change process of cuff pressure visually.

12. Male catherization

The penis is in a natural downward position with soft foreskin covering the glans.

Soft and movable prepuce for better exposure of urethral orifice and coronary sulcus.

The penis can be adjusted to make an angle of 60° with abdomen, so that the catheter can be inserted smoothly.

Realistic narrowness and curvature of the urethra can be experienced during catheterization.

It can be used for catheterization, indwelling urinary catheterization, and bladder irrigation.

A built-in elastic reservoir device can hold no less than 350ml of liquid, no need to use an external reservoir to provide pressure, the liquid can flow out automatically when the catheter is placed into the bladder.

Compatible with different types of dual-lumen catheters or three cava balloon urinary catheters from clinical size 14 to 20 without leakage.

13. Fracture reposition and splinting immobilization

Fractures simulation of femur, tibia and fibula.

Visible angular limb deformities (ALD).

Broken ends and palpable bone friction can be felt.

Reduction of long bone fracture and splinting skills can be trained.

14. CPR

Chest compression can be performed with a maximum depth of 7cm.

Tellyes, Virtually Real

Stock code :833047

Address:2nd & 3rd Floor, West 6th Building, 18 West HaiTai Road, Tianjin, China






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